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Automatic Container Transfer

For contamination-free batch transfer

  • For contamination free batch transport and storage of finished products and ingredients
  • The modular setup provides high level of process flexibility
  • Transfer different contamination groups on the same line
  • Low maintenance and operational life > 20 years


Automatic container transport system

When you enter a production batch, the containers are controlled by PROMAS ST to collect all the required ingredients automatically and they continue to transport them to each step in your production process.

The advanced automation system plans container routes dynamically, so regardless of how many ingredients and recipes you need for your next production batch, you remain flexible at all times.

Zero cross contamination

Ingredients that are healthy for one animal can be a health risk to others. Organic products and specialty foods need to remain separated from regular products. In all these cases cross contamination of raw materials must be avoided and the exact ingredients need to be specified.

The ACT system uses batch containers to transfer products and components with zero cross contamination. Different contamination groups can therefore be transported on the same process line. And a batch can even remain in the same container during the entire production process, from ingredient collection to finished product. The ACT Clean in Place (CIP) module can clean and disinfect each container automatically after use, ensuring it's safe to use for the next batch.

Comprehensive quality control is possible at all times and complete transparency in the production process is guaranteed thanks to PROMAS ST. The automation system features advanced track and trace capabilities and reporting, which helps to ensure each batch is produced according to requirement.

Versatile modules

The ACT is a fully modular system and can be configured exactly to fit individual requirements.

End products and ingredient batches are transferred via containers throughout the entire process. Containers are transported horizontally by Container Conveyor (CC) and over longer distances by a Container Shuttle (CS). An industrial heavy duty elevator (VCT) transports the containers vertically. A Silo Filling Unit (SFU) can be used to empty containers into storage utilities like silos or directly in trucks. After use each container can be cleaned and disinfected automatically by the Clean in Place (CIP) system.

The automation system is based on the PROMAS ST automation software, which plans routes dynamically. The combination of smart software and modular layout brings optimal flexibility to your process.

Technical specs

Container volumes
1.500 to 5.000 liter
Container capacities
Up to 3.000 kilogram
No. containers
1 to unlimited

Key advantages

Transports materials throughout the entire factory
Dedicated, closed containers to minimize dust and waste
Reduces cross contamination to zero
Fully automatic filling, weighing, discharging and transport of containers
Track & Trace, RFID coding and check weighers
Extremely flexible in design: modular and scalable

ACT module - CC

The modular Container Conveyors (CC) are the most frequently used building blocks of the ACT system. 

  • Dual way horizontal transfer
  • Easy positioning
  • Provides huge flexibility in process design
  • Scalable system

ACT module - VCT

The Vertical Container Transporter (VCT) is used to transfer containers to different floor levels in the factory.

  • Dual way vertical transfer of containers
  • Provides huge flexibility in your process layout
  • Batches can be transferred in the same container during the entire production process from ingredients to finished product
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ACT module - P & P

The ALFRA Pick and Place robot is mainly used to transfer ingredient containers from their storage location to the ALFRA GCCD or FCCD. The GCCD & FCCD are container based dosing and weighing systems. The pick and place robot can easily switch ingredients on the dosing and weighing system, enabling a quick changeover between recipes.


ACT module - CIP

The Clean in Place (CIP) system for containers uses a 3-step cleaning process - High Pressure Air Cleaning, Camera Residue Check and UV Light - to ensure each container is perfectly clean and desinfected after each batch.


ACT module - CFU

The Container Filling Unit (CFU) is used to transfer ingredients from big bags or regular bags in the container.


ACT module - TC

The Transport Container (TC) is made from a steel frame with a flexible material container and come in various sizes. The container can be used for storage and transfer of finished products or raw components.

  • Sizes: S, M, L, XL
  • Optional: Product Activator
  • Discharge Valve or Dosing Slide

ACT module - SFU

The Silo Filling Unit (SFU) is a module that can discharge Transfer Containers (TC) in a large number of silos automatically.


ACT module - CS

The Container Shuttle (CS) is used to transport containers horizontally over longer distances.

  • Dual way transfer
  • Low energy use
  • Low maintenance

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